Would be good in the next Aliens movie
Nobody can replace Vasquez but i think Michelle would do a good job playing a marine if there is going to be one in the next ALIEN movie.
I have heard that Ripley will be in in and Michael Biehn so possibly Hicks also because the *beep* game Aliens Colonial Marines is classed as being cannon unfortunately and Hicks was in that as being alive a long time after they nuked the planet and the new film is said to be set between Aliens and Alien 3 where he is dead but there is also word of them removing any film after ALIENS as cannon, well than *beep* for Alien 4 being removed if they go with that route because it was god damn awful.
I am just curious to see how this will work out now that the people playing those characters are much older now. Same will go with the new Star Wars film.