I saw an article where in her usual loud and abrasive manner, she defended the issue to audience members I believe on her show. I am not a fan of her demeanor, personally I think she comes off as rude at times. But I agree, as long as the young person is contributing financially and being respectful, so what if they are over 21 and still living at home!ππ. It beats living on the streets, not that I have ever been homeless, thankfully. Nor am I a parent.
I used to watch "All My Children", the soap opera, with my mom when I was a kid. Lol. I had no idea this annoying bitch was on that show. Yes, agree, I cannot stand her.
I was 26 when I left home - the year I got married. I moved into a home my wife and I bought 4 months before our marriage because I stayed home, saved my money, and drove crappy cars (my definition). My friends today say I was Dave Ramsey before Dave Ramsey was. My wife was fresh out of college and living home. She didn't have time to save anything but she got her first job as a high school teacher the fall after her college graduation.
Both my boys still lived at home after college. My youngest was 28 when he and his girlfriend bought a house together.
We didn't charge either for rent or board because we wanted them to save their money, which they both did. Both are homeowners and my wife and I like to think that they staying home and living cheap provided them the opportunity to save for a down payment which both did.
Congrats to them. I suppose finding places in rural areas can be financially beneficial when possible, unless they landed some lucrative jobs to afford something closer to the suburbs/urban districts.
It was basically the same for me. I was 25 when I moved out, and I was married a year later. My sister and her husband lived with my parents for a year after they were married to save money and buy a house.
I think the point we are both making is that there is a difference between having a long term plan, and just being a mooch.
Agree - I've seen enough Dr. Phil episodes where the kids live home, play video games, smoke pot, and contribute nothing but dirty dishes and laundry for mom to do. Something else entirely.
But there are people who will literally give their kids one of two hard dates to leave - 18 or 21 and toss them out of the nest whether they can afford it or not. Our plan was to let our kids stay home as long as they wanted as long as they both worked full time (both did) and didn't piss their money away on *ridiculous* things.
But I also want to say we were very fortunate with our sons. Both went to college, both work hard and spend wisely, and both treat their wives/fiance like my wife and I treat each other. Sometimes parents, despite doing everything right, end up with a child who is just bad seed. We are not arrogant enough to think our two great sons are because we were great parents - we appreciate the luck of the draw as well as our hard work.
EDIT: If God forbid anything happened between our sons and their ladies, they would be welcome to move home until they could get back on their feet, but then, I would do that for a friend as well.