MovieChat Forums > Jeremy Renner Discussion > He owns a 7 ton snowplow? WTF!

He owns a 7 ton snowplow? WTF!

Renner was hospitalized on New Year’s Day after sustaining serious injuries in a snowplow accident on his property. He suffered “blunt chest trauma” in the incident, leaving him in critical condition. The “Avengers” actor underwent two surgeries following the accident, but he was conscious and posted messages to fans within two days and provided updates along the way.

An initial investigation into Renner’s accident determined that after using his snowplow to help free a family member whose vehicle became stuck in heavy snow, the 14,000 pound machine began to roll, crushing Renner as he attempted to regain control.


yeah got a pimped out machine they use on the ski slopes and stuff. as a fellow redneck i dont blame him i would own one as well if i was as rich as him. sad story hope he recovers


At least he does his own yardwork unlike most celebrities.


Did he actually stand in front of it to save his nephew? That is lke standing in front of a train, trying to hold it back. Did the machine malfunction? Why not pay a professional to run it? I bet his nephew feels like crap! Personally, I would just stick with a snow blower. It cannot run you over!
