Hello there, unconsious,
I am now convinced Missy is 5'11". Information from another poster's reply, says that Missi's height has actually impaired her from getting work as an actress, at times.
As a true 5'8" female, and daughter of a 5'10" woman, I know that it is tough being tall. (actually, it is not so bad for me but my Mom had a tough time). I also know the average height for the American woman is 5'4.3", (as of 2006) and that many females discount this fact by stating that 5'7", is average. Also, both male and female actors overstate their height, by about 2". Obviously, not all actors do but many do. For example, IMDB has changed the reported height of three of the actresses from Sex and the City, over the past 3 years. Kim Catrall has been 5'7",5'10" and 5'9", Kristen Davis has been 5'5", 5'6" and 5'7", and Cynthia Nixon has also been 5'7" and 5'10". Kristen Davis is the only one of the three I can reportedly say I know with fair certainty to be about 5'5", as I was behind her in line about 7-8 years ago, in West LA, at a (Mrs. Gooch's-I think)store. We were both in flat type shoes and she was at least 3 inches shorter than I was. She's absolutely beautiful, I might add.
My point was, many actresses overstate their height, and 5'11" is very tall for a woman. That is why I questioned Missi's height. I no longer question her 5'11" stature.
Thanks for the Youtube link!
What, just for once in your life can't you be serious?