MovieChat Forums > Laura Prepon Discussion > Not Bashing Her But.....

Not Bashing Her But.....

Does anyone else think she is kinda manly? Her voice,size,walk,etc *beep* like that she is a good actress though and can see her goin on to even better heights she just needs better Managment

And she looks better in black hair I hate red hair and I really *beep* hate blondes


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I always thought ther black hair rocks


Yes, but that's because she's a tomboy. She says she prefers hanging around boys most of the time, but other than that she still looks very feminine. Nothing about her features says "manly".


can't outrun your own shadow


I never bought into that tomboy BS but she does a good lesbian I will admit to her mammoth size and build ,even like swimsuit shots of her she is just...I don't something ain't right up in the kittykat but she is a good actress and I'm lookin forward to see what happens to her on the show since she's only on for a few episodes

Maybe killed?
Released? Only to come back in season 3 (if that happens) maybe fall off the wagon goes back to her old ways due to that she only knows


I think she's like a chameleon. Depending on the role she can be feminine or masculine. She obviously butches herself up for OINTB. And in shows like October Road she's very feminine.


I miss tomboys, nowadays any chick that does guy stuff is labeled a downright bulldaggah, kinda sucks.

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