UGLY as a blonde.

What was she thinking... dying her hair blonde just to play Karla Homolka! That role should have given her nightmares. She shouldn't be able to look at herself in the mirror while her hair is still blonde.

Are you There Vodka better get cancelled... so she has less reason to stay blonde.


can i loan you my glasses sir ? laura is sizzzzling as a blonde.


I wouldn't say the gal is ugly, period. Personally I prefer her as a redhead but, blonde or red, she's friggen Laura Prepon dammit!


Absolutely smokin' as a blonde.


Shes doesn't look ugly at all as a blonde, but I do think she looks hotter as a redhead.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


She is simply sexy as a blonde! I thought she looked kind of dumpy as a redhead.
The color was way too harsh.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I don't care for the blonde, but ugly she could never be. She's beautiful.


I do miss the red hair. :)


Ugly?? Now thats a bit of a overstatement. I do agree that she looks better as a redhead.

Bruce Willis was a ghost
