MovieChat Forums > Laura Prepon Discussion > Has Laura gitten huge with a big butt?

Has Laura gitten huge with a big butt?

I was clicking through the channels a coupla days ago, when I saw Laura on some random sitcom. She had blonde hair, but more importantly, she was huge. I guess she wasn't fat, but she was big. And her butt was huge. Was that really her? Is Laura really big with a big butt?


She's always had a big butt. Even on That 70's Show. It's not big enough to be a turn off (for me anyway) but big all the same. And completely bangable!!!


Are you better off now than you were $5 Trillion $DOLLARS$ ago?!?!?!?


She has gotten a bit chunky though


She's beautiful and she's not built like a little boy.


Can't you figure this out without asking strangers?

Do you have any insight into your own rudeness?
