Mean guy?

I don't dislike him,but I wonder if he's the great guy everyone thinks he is.He seems to try too hard to be the good guy,the patriotic guy,everybody's best friend.He says and does all the right things,but there's something about his eyes . They're cold and hard.


Saw an interview with Denzel Washington a month or so ago, talking about making the Magnificent Seven...and was asked about Chris...Denzel said he was looking at the next generations Tom Hanks..nothing but praise...guess it was a pretty tough shoot...over 100 degrees in Louisiana summertime..


But from experiences judging people from others POV is very naive. People view someone positively simply because of their experience with them and it's not representative of who they really are. I find that most people are a poor judge of character.


He does a lot of charity work on the downlow and is so far being a faithful, supportive husband and father in a world where that is few and far between. I think he has the type of sense of humor that can rub people the wrong way, but I think he genuinely means well.


I think he has the type of sense of humor that can rub people the wrong way, but I think he genuinely means well.

I've seen him in interviews and I agree with you.


The casually getting rid of pets thing (at least two that have been publicized) does not speak well of his character.


It's not like he did anything THAT awful by doing that. He gave the cat away to a family and the dog away to another family. He gave the cat away since his son was allegic, I believe. The family that got the dog let the dog out and it was without any food or water for days. But then they got in trouble for it because they were supposed to let animal rescue know if they couldn't take care of it (which they admitted was their fault). But at least they didn't abandon the animals like some heartless people do...


I know exactly what you mean. This guy gives me some bad vibes. He comes across as a brown noser and a people pleaser. But he's physically attractive and both women and men will generally give you a pass for that. He reminds me of that duplicitous person at work who knows what everyone wants to hear. It's scary how easily some are won over.


I'm not sure where you get the cold hard eyes thing. I find him completely adorable, but maybe it's just because I am a hot blooded 28 y/o female with a high libido and a thing for strong, salt of the earth guys with a sense of humor and a love for and dedication to his family first and his craft second. BUUUTTT that's just me.

I can see where you might find to put it...eager to please? I don't have the right words but it is as if he says and does everything (comically) right. But maybe that's just how he is.

I will say, back when Zero Dark Thirty came out, we are family friends with Mark Boal (the writer) and my dad had an invite to go to a screening at which Chris came out afterwards and talked with Mark and whoever else was there. He said he was a bit 'doofy' (his words, not mine) and felt he tried to be too goofy about a role that was in real terms a serious one. I just think that's who Chris is though, he has too much fun with life that to take things so seriously in the profession he is in is not his natural character. I'm sure he can be serious, but what I gather is his natural persona is more in the realm of a fun loving one. I get it. He's making movies. He's not curing cancer.

This probably means nothing but I also had an encounter with him, nothing spoken, but I used to work across the street from his local Trader Joe's in Studio City and slowly passed him in my car as he walked out with his groceries one day. We made eye contact and he just seemed very unassuming and down to earth. Also my heart stopped but that's another issue. He walked to his bright blue Jeep (? I think) that was completely covered in bumper stickers, not a car you'd assign to a major movie star. I thought it was hilarious.

I think for what he does he has done an awesome job. If I weren't completely attracted to him I would still think he is a deserving and hilarious figure in Hollywood. One I'd choose over most to have a beer with and talk about random life things. I'm happy for him that he's gotten to where he is and is seemingly getting bigger. I wish nothing but the best for him, his career, and his family.


high libidio you say?


Lol at this dumb bitch probably walked by him 100 times while he was the fat goofy dork that he was for most of his life and didn’t pay him any mind until he gets some million dollar trainers to help him lose 30 pounds. Now everyone loves him and thinks he’s an action star and great guy. By the way he just left his wife and if you read why, a lot of people say Chris’ ego has gotten way out of control, mostly due to dumb bitches like you ignoring him his entire life and then one day acting like he’s God‘s gift to earth
