
I am curious about his jawline. Watching teen wolf it seems that one side of his jaw is fuller than the other. Did something happen or is it just how he developed? I am not trying to be mean or have a ton of ignorant comment I am just wondering as it's noticable to me but it seem it hasn't been asked before

If a man has not discovered something he will die for, he isn't fit to live. Martin Luther King Jr.


It's not just you. It was the first thing I noticed about him when he smiled. Maybe we're the only ones looking at his face and not just his body, haha.

I think it's always been like that though or at least since he's started acting because if you look at the pictures of him as a kid on imdb, you can see it too, it's just not as prominent because he has "baby fat" and now that he's older it's more obvious since his face thinned out.

Before people are like, "OMGZ, YOU'RE SO MEAN HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT I BET YOU'RE AN UGLY TROLL!" I'm not saying that at all. Obviously he's a good-looking guy otherwise I wouldn't see his face every time I hail a cab or catch a bus. It gives his face character and it's distracting when people are too good-looking.

I suspect that the people involved with the show are aware of it too because there seem to be more shots of him filmed at an angle rather than head on, but I could be imagining that. If you look at some of the Teen Wolf promo shots Crystal Reed's positioned so she's covering his chin/jaw area.

I always noticed when people have asymmetrical features, cause I have the same thing. One cheekbone is higher than the other so it always looks like I'm smirking if I smile without showing my teeth.

Did you mean to hit reply to me or the original poster?


it's not just his jaw, his right eye is the slightest bit smaller and higher than his left. Basically his entire face is ... tilted, so to speak. Frankly it would have taken me ages to notice any of it if people didn't mention it all the time. I see people make mean comments about it (and his mole, ugh, humanity) and it's annoying. He's very attractive regardless. I'm asymmetrical too lol! My left eye is smaller and higher than my right, but mine's way more obvious. so i dont think it's a big deal.

I actually really love his face, it's definitely not boring. One minute he looks hispanic, and sometimes he'll look Asian. I've seen someone even say he looks part Native American.

Not sure about the camera angles though, never noticed that. I've seen many full frontal shots of his face.


I agree 100%...it makes him way cuter! He's not perfect which makes him even more attractive!
I just saw Teen wolf's 1st show here in Australia and he's really good looking but his little flaws make him real! Especially for the character!


I am glad this was brought up. He definitely has an under developed jaw on one side and they absolutely film the show trying to compensate for that. He is gorgeous for sure but the has a "good side" of his face. I am surprised by how pronounced it is and was actually checking the boards to see if there was a story behind it. I sometimes find it distracting while I watch the show.


They referenced his uneven jawline in tonight's episode and his co-star even made it a hashtag on Twitter. Hahahaha. http://twitter.com/ColtonLHaynes/status/209833134219472896

I just thought you'd like to know as the OP.

Man, I hope he's not self-conscious of it. Tyler's handsome regardless.


I'm wondering if they saw this thread and decided to use it on the show? LOL

Every Girl With A Henna Tattoo And A Spice Rack Thinks She's A Sister To The Dark Ones.


Maybe he broke his jaw and it healed a little off. I broke mine and it's been a little off since. Not as noticeable as his, but my surgeon, dentist, and orthodontist have all told me I'm very lucky to have healed so well.

I'll admit, his jawline is a tad distracting, but I still think he's fine as hell.


Im thinking he went into surgery, that happened to my nose after i got it done. It looks uneven but better than before anyways.

Pray for Lana
