MovieChat Forums > Amy Poehler Discussion > Super Funny + Touching on Parks

Super Funny + Touching on Parks

I started watching the show in January (tip: to get over depression, watch funny movies and TV).
She is amazing. Was never a huge fan of her on SNL, though I could admire the talent. But I am really impressed with her acting ability. I understand why critics are always saying that she is deserving of the Emmy every August/September. She touches me.


Was never a huge fan of her on SNL, though I could admire the talent. But I am really impressed with her acting ability.

That's exactly how I felt. I liked Amy on SNL, but never thought too much about her. Once I saw her as Leslie Knope on Parks and Recreation I fell in love with the character and Amy as an actress. She and Steve Carrell have the same affect on me; they both have the ability to make me laugh and break my heart within seconds.

This is an environment of welcoming, and you should just get the hell outta here. -Michael Scott


Amy has been great on Parks & Rec which makes it puzzling that she was virtually passed over (among others) on award season for so many years. She finally won a golden globe now all that remain is an Emmy.


if she didn't think she was hilarious then she wouldn't have become a professional comedian...


well said.

I'm binge watching now on Netflix, up to season 3 now.

Leslie Knope is one of the greatest characters i've ever seen on TV.

She reminds me of my favorite boss, super enthusiastic, super busy, super good with people. The whole '94 meetings' episode was hilariously spot on - "lets add another 6 to make it an even 100". Lol. Always trying to cheer up her crew with parties and whatnot, open, not hardly an ounce of spite, but firm and strong with decisions. Also incredibly experienced and, hence, good.

She is dedicated to the job to the point where it embarasses you and makes you push yourself harder. And yes, it is hilarious sometimes to be in an environment with someone like that, especially when her plans go awry, but it's also one of the best times you will ever have at work.

Amy's acting is magic. It's so amazing to watch.

I know there are a lot of geniuses who worked on that show but ... that character in particular hit me hard. Just wonderful.


edit update : binge complete! did 6 seasons.

It's amazing how her character changes without losing the core of what makes her a great character. She has many more weaker moments, failures, and even times when she loses her cool. I loved it even more, because it makes her even more true to life. (And yes my old boss had those off days as well). Also the way the other characters are brought to life is great, how they grow to work with her, especially Ron in his moments where he describes how he tried to fire her, but now he admires her.

I just can't say enough how I admire the show... it is like they have highlighted this sort of thing that drives certain people to actually care about their jobs, and brought it out into a brilliant comedy.


I love her on the show. The writing and all the characters are very inspiring. Amy should come in pill form because she's better than Prozac :)
