MovieChat Forums > Amy Poehler Discussion > So she's a drug addict.

So she's a drug addict.

She just admitted that she smokes weed now, from her previous drug abuse which was cocaine , sad really.
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You've gotta be freakin' kidding.


Calling someone who smokes weed a drug addict is like calling someone who takes iphone pictures a photographer


Well said.


Her book has many drug references. I don't pretend to know about her present usage.


How is that sad?


lol i really wanna know how much sadder your life is then Amys. the only thing wrong with her is all the blonde highlights... she's awesome though i don't mean to diss her but there's no way to not notice in the last season's of parks and rec... they probably could have done a better job not showing the back of her head... not too much great about the show other than the actors... she's awesome and even though she only made me mad the first couple seasons, she truly is someone i am a fan of


Is it sad that she is now using a certain drug, because she previously used another drug? I'm not sure personally, I may need a better explanation of what you are commenting on here... Exactly how is any of it sad?

I'm mostly asking because that was the only part of your post that made any sense at all. It is a widely known scientific fact that pot isn't addictive. Meaning, it is not just scientifically proven, it is also plain common sense. When this analysis is done, the inevitable conclusion is that you don't know what you are talking about, and that we could begin to question your credibility in other matters.

But let's keep it friendly; just explain to me what is so sad about this.


Smokes - let's go!


Pot isnt addictive yet the people who do it cant live without it, go take your lies elsewhere
