MovieChat Forums > Amy Poehler Discussion > Any recommendations ?

Any recommendations ?

I just started watching her show Parks and Rec and I think she's hilarious on it, and I just saw Sisters over the week which I thought was good. I haven't seen any of her other work, what else should I check out of hers?

I know she's been on SNL for a while, I'm not really a fan of that show.


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Try 30 Rock. It has Tina Fey, but a similar atmosphere. Along with the Office.


Baby Mama with Poehler and Fey is quite good. It won't change your life, but it has more than its fair share of funny moments. She's also in Mean Girls, which is a great film, as Rachel McAdams' Mom in a couple of funny scenes.


They Came Together


No, not really a similar atmosphere I would say. I loved 30 Rock, but it's not quite the same in comedic tone as Parks & Rec. While both shows had a good deal of "wacky" comedy, I would say 30 Rock tended to push the wackiness nearly to the point of exhaustion, whereas P&R drew more humor through understatement (especially the Ron Swanson character). This had a lot to do with the way the shows were filmed and edited. Parks & Rec imitated The Office's handheld-camera mockumentary style, with lots of fast zooms, cuts to characters being interviewed and, perhaps most significantly, no music (other than the title sequence). I think the lack of music really helped sell the understated humor and, strangely, the emotional moments as well, and it helped to not "gild the lily" for the wacky comedy. 30 Rock, in contrast, so frequently used music to underscore everything that when I finished it and started watching P&R I initially found the lack of music jarring. Now I'm watching Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, co-created by Fey and in a lot of ways a similar show to 30 Rock, and I find the music a little annoying.

Also, 30 Rock relied heavily on cutaway gags, unlike P&R. I'm not saying that as a knock, just pointing out how that's another difference.

Must dash. I forgot to feed my wombat.
