so sexy

Am I the only one who gets turned on by her quirky weirdness in Parks & Recreation? She's gotten hotter as the seasons progressed, I mean look at her now. Every crazy thing she does never fails to get a rise out of me...


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I know right! Very hot MILF! I just wanna grab dat big ass!


I like the goodness and idealism of Leslie Knope. She is so filled with love for her town and wants to do good for it. That and her being so cute make her a very lovable character.


She's soo pretty


I never once thought she was attractive until I saw the show. She is weirdly sexy in that, and it's undoubtedly because of Leslie's personality. I also never found her funny until Parks and Rec - but she's made me laugh many times. One of the best comedy series I've ever watched.

Wendy? Darling? Light, of my life!
