Utterly Repugnant

I am aware that this topic is going to prompt a torrent of abuse, but I find him to be completely and utterly vile.
He was sweet and endearing as Henry in Dawson's Creek.
But then he disappears for a while and decides he'd rather pout than smile, is too "grunge" to be remotely affable, and acts as though he is too "obscure" to participate in interviews in a coherent and reasonable manner.

That, and he's just got one of those faces you want to punch.

Oh, jerry, don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars.


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don't hold back stella_heystella


i agree Stella. I don't know why he pouts. It really annoys me. Although your opinion was very harsh. I agree with you. He looks better when he smiles and he has some nerve to avoid interviews as if he is somebody famous.


Totally agreed. The bloke is disgusting.


He's got a face you just want to punch? My, what a delightful person you must be! Your mother must be very proud of you.

Ironically, this isn't even ironic at all.


I completely agree stella__heystella. He is one of the most thoroughly unattractive men in cinema. I'd punch him with you.


I also find just the sight of him extremely annoying and I couldn't STAND him as Henry on Dawson's Creek!


I find it so terribly amusing that you say "as if he is somebody famous"- DUH! How do you know who he is if he is not famous? What, you live next door to him or something? He is not POUTING that is just how he looks because he has big lips- but I am glad it annoys you LOSER!
