he was on conan tonight talkin about his hometown of minooka and how he used to be a farmboy and he was promoting "American Body Shop" which looks really funny... hell he is hilarious.. one of the funniest guests ive ever seen on conan AMAZING...MINOOKA REPRESENT!

What we've got here is failure to communicate.


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He was hilarious. I dig his facial hair.

"I don't like so much freedom down there. It makes me tingle in my giblets."


awesome!! do you know where i can see the video of that???


Fellow Minookans unite! Its good to see that with Nick it is possible to just decide to go out to Hollywood to act and end up having success.


just caught the rerun of it tonight, it's weird that Deadwood is my favorite show ever but I don't even remember him haha. I'm guessing he was one of those brothers at the Gem, and he runs out of his room naked or something? that's all I could think of

yea he was really funny on Conan though, he sounded like a really goofy kid :O


Haha, same thing that just happened here. Conan just happened to be on in the background, and I wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention until I heard someone say the word "Deadwood". It's my favorite show, too, but I could NOT place which character this guy played, so I had to come down to the computer to look him up.

Your guess is right- he's one of the idiot gang in the first couple episodes that are one-by-one dispatched by Bullock, Hickock and Al.


oh ok. I remembered that scene because I laughed at Al saying "so-and-so put your iron away" referring to his pecker it was so funny on Conan seeing someone with his look talking about his breakdancing days and doing that rap. not that he has a bad look, just out of place haha
