O'Neill/Bearse friction as reported in L.A. _Daily News_ 2/27/96
"It's abnormally quiet around the set of 'Married ... With Children' - because of a 20-megaton blowup between Ed O'Neill and co-star Amanda Bearse.
It seems the friction their characters - Al Bundy and neighbor Marcy D'Arcy - display toward one another on the ribald Fox show has been spilling over into real life for quite some time. It finally erupted a few days ago in the makeup area - with O'Neill and Bearse hurling insults at one another. Before they marched out of each other's hearing range, we're told, she accused him - among other things - of being lazy, and he told her he had the power to have her removed from the cast.
Since then, the two haven't been speaking, and it appears the longest-running sitcom on the tube could wind up its ninth season with the feud still in force."