Jack Sheridan

What happened to Jack on Charmed? He didn't die he, because I'll be relly sad if he did.

Cause I'm Barely Breathing, and I can't find the air


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He didn't die. He was written off the show when Prue left her job at Bucklands.


too bad...

*Every living creature on this earth dies alone*


I know this is a bit off topic but I was wondering if Jack Sheridan was any relation to Inspector Sheridan. Thanks in advance.

My movies: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=12411879


God, I hope not.


I was very dissapointed when he was written off. I was really hoping the he and Prue would go somewhere. I loved looking at him...and in cocky character was n't that bad either he was capable of being sweet and nice.! Keirs
