MovieChat Forums > Lochlyn Munro Discussion > SO HOT !!! IN the Lifetime Made for TV m...

SO HOT !!! IN the Lifetime Made for TV movie 'Stand Against Fear'

I'm surprised no one has mentioned his 1996 tv movie
"Stand Against Fear" which aired on lifetime tv in 1996 with many repeats since then. Even though he plays a BULLY in this made for tv movie, he is sooooooooo sexy,( I LOVE them bad boys!). The girls locker room scene is very well done and very erotic, whew!!.

I hope that this movie will make it's way to DVD sooner or later. Check it out. Oh there is a HOT scene where he plays the captain of the football team and he is throwing passes to fellow players SHIRTLESS!!. He has the best chest that I've ever seen. He's such a BAD BOY in this movie, that he's naughty and HOT HOT HOT!!!. Check this movie when it is replayed on Lifetime. Lochlyn, you can throw football passes at me ANYTIME !!! BABY BABY OHHH BABY. The-Phantom.

"Look At Your Face In The Mirror..,I am There Inside"


i really want to see this film with him. im majorly obsesed with him too. do you know where i can buy it from?


You might check with Best Buy. They have gotten several "Lifetime" movies in as DVDs, (Widow on the Hill, To young to be a mommy,etc). On the back of the spine should say where to call, or email Lifetime about other, or future titles on DVD. Lochlyn is sooooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooot. The shot of him without a shirt,tossing a football really pushes me over the "lust" limit. He can bully me around anytime he want's. Email me back if I can be of futher help. Bryce

"Look At Your Face In The Mirror..,I am There Inside"


i need help buying it. i live in the uk and dont think they sell it here. its driving me insane. i so badly want it. can u email me if you know anyone whos got it. thanks.


Give me a few days to do some research and see if it is avialbe here in the US. I'll email you soon. Maybe B&N has it. Don't give up. Bryce

"Look At Your Face In The Mirror..,I am There Inside"


thanks for helping me out. have you seen any other movies with him. dead man on campus is sooooooo funny.



I did email "lifetime" and was told that, while some of their movies are available on DVD, most are not. Here is their web address;
you should email them. Good Luck. Bryce

"Look At Your Face In The Mirror..,I am There Inside"


they dont have it to purchase on video. the annoyning thing is their playing it february 5th. :( have fun watching it while i sit at home and


im soooo happy because they are playing 'stand against fear' on wednesday.
ive been waiting so long for it to come on and now the times come.
thanks for your help

