MovieChat Forums > Lochlyn Munro Discussion > How does he get work?

How does he get work?

I don't understand how this guy is still getting work? He has never done a good movie, which has already been touched upon on this page, but besides that, there's a reason he hasn't done a good movie. THe guy can't act for his life! I dunno why anyone would cast him anything, he always brings a below mediocre performance to a role, he is always overacting and really needs to take some serious acting lessons, because from the way he acts I doubt he ever has.


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Are you kidding me? This guy's hilarious! his over-acting is perfect for his roles (Scary Movie, Night at the Roxbury)


Hey, I just saw him in an episode of "Love it or Lose it" a show on Canada's HGTV.....I thought, OMG -- I've seen him somewhere and I look on here and he's got 9 billion credits for everything under the sun. Sheeez.....he's been in a lot. Must be good enough to get some parts, but never the lead.


You need to see Deak man on Campus or Night at the Roxbury..

He is hilarious!!! "This is what I call "The Sprinkler""...LOL


Sounds like someone is a bit jealous. How many movies have you acted in if it is so easy? I think he has done quite well for a character actor. Not all of his movies are that great but I think he has done a very good job with the parts he is getting.
