Wow, ho-ly fck.
Jeffrey, I hope you're reading this because I have to tell you are absolutely, unequivocally, drop dead gorgeous. Like I'm very happy with my significant other and all that but man the willpower that would have to take me over to keep me from doing something bad if you were around me would have to be astronomical. *beep* I mean *beep* Your lady is a very lucky lady. It's funny, you were in Miami back when you were filming magic city and I work around the entertainment business and I could have easily Been around all that but I was extremely busy around that time...sigh oh well, it is what it is. You're a fantastic, extremely underrated and underused actor and I hope to see you in more projects in the future. You're #1 on the IMDB star meter which is great! We need to see more of you! Best of luck you sexy handsome devil!