
I seen her in a resterant the other day. SHe was eating by herslef, and food kept falling out of her mouth. She was dress all in black and had like powder white skin.

She looked real sad. At one point, me and my freind seen her pick up her butter knife and look at it, and then look at her rist. She didn't think no one seen her put the knife in her bag-pack, but we seen her.



I have no idea who she is, but that is real sad. I hope she doesn't shoot up my school, LOL! You should have flimed it then put it on youtube ROFLMAO!Seriously I will prey for her...


What a bunch of bullsh!t.


why is it bs

the oc\ ben\adam fan


what is a "rist"?


because it's posted in a thread on the internets.


NGant: I am a fan. Reading your IMDBs is as satisfying as a good book. Most visitors to the boards where you have written clever prose have no idea they are getting some of the best free entertainment. Bravo.


I wouldn't have checked it out if it wasn't for your comment, but yeah ... some entertaining stories going on over there


I seen her
me and my freind seen her
She didn't think no one seen her
we seen her

Good god, man. Learn how to speak English. Try to achieve at least a middle-school-level grasp of grammar.

I don't read or respond to private messages. Sorry.
