MovieChat Forums > Jason Momoa Discussion > He is a reminder that life just isn't fa...

He is a reminder that life just isn't fair.....

Im a dude, and if I could look like any dude out there, it'd have to be him. He has the perfect body Id want, perfect hair, perfect face, perfect facial hair, perfect eyes, etc.

Just a reminder to all of us mere regular isnt fair


As a woman, he's a reminder that life isn't fair because I'll never have him.


Happy Birthday you gorgeous hunk of man! Love you so much!


You may not be able to help height or face features, but you can help a physique. And that's what makes this guy special. Get under a barbell at the gym and make a Khal Drogo body.

You won't get nearly as buff without steroids, but honest effort will get you a respectable physique that gets you comoliments compliments just the same.


Mountain, you took the words right out of my mouth. Regular guys are regular because they let themselves stay that way. Batman MADE himself a superhero, he wasn't born that way! Join a gym, get a personal trainer (or at least buy or borrow a book) to learn how to train properly, and keep at it. Dress well. Carry yourself with pride and present yourself with confidence. Only approach women who have qualities that attract you IN ADDITION to her sex appeal, then talk with her about THOSE qualities. You will be the first man she has ever met who has done that, I promise you. I once started talking with an amazing woman and, after a few minutes, I asked, "Do you know why I started talking to you?" She said she did not. I said, "Well, you are a beautiful woman, but there are a lot of beautiful women in the world; but the way that you carry yourself--and present yourself--with such dignity and poise . . . I said to myself, 'My God, she could be the Queen of Italy.'" She gasped and said, "You're WONDERFUL! That is EXACTLY what I needed to hear today! You're EXACTLY what I needed." She could feel that I was telling her the truth. It turned out that she was Sales Manager for the Victoria's Secret store in Boston, so the qualities that I saw in her, that distinguished her, were qualities she had put effort into developing. People like to feel praise for their hard work.

Most males go after a woman's body, and she knows it. Men who know how to build relationships go after her mind. We are not regular guys. We are extraordinary men. You can be, as well. It's all up to you.


Gym only reminds me that life is unfair. Those people who can train hard at the gym and proceed to get their perfect bodies all have determination, courage, discipline, strong will and mentality that I can never have...

Life isn't fair for us regular guys.


If that's what you believe, then that is all you will ever be. And a lot of the folks with whom you are making invidious comparisons vis-a-vis yourself have genetic advantages you may not, and/or are juicing themselves to perdition. You sit there and feel sorry for yourself. As one of my idols, Anthony Robbins, says, "Whether you tell yourself you CAN do something, or whether you tell yourself you CAN'T--YOU'RE RIGHT! If you tell yourself you can't do something, then that's it. You've closed yourself off to the possibility. If you tell yourself you CAN do something, you open yourself up to new ways of thinking.

Look, I know you're married, so I don't think that you want to chase women. I think you want to feel happier with yourself. Invest in a membership at at good gym that is easy for you to get to, so you have no excuse for not going, if not regularly, at least 3-4 times a week. Buy at least one session with a personal trainer. Over 90 percent of everyone in every gym in which I have ever been--and, I am, like, King Gym Rat--has no idea at all what s/he is doing. Exercise isn't EFFORT. Exercise is science. Working out isn't effort. Working out is self-esteem and pleasure. If you want action, make your body ready for action. In his book, The Tao of Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lee criticized martial art students who presented themselves to their teachers with unconditioned bodies.

The longest journey begins with but a single step - Tibetan proverb.


You could have it if you wanted it but you just don't want it.


He is perfect, I agree.


Hah, agreed. I'm a straight male, but this dude... geez.


He wasn't born with that body, he worked it.


Oh, he was probably born with 75% of that body. He was born with the height, the big frame, his stunning coloring, natural muscularity (common among Pacific islanders), and a certain amount of sexual charisma... and he's made the most of what he has.

Job well done, I must say.


Great point, Dearbronn.


Nah. You GAY bro.


