MovieChat Forums > Elizabeth Mitchell Discussion > For those hopelessly obsessed with Eliza...

For those hopelessly obsessed with Elizabeth

Lets get this board going again! Many of you know who I am - the rest, I say hello to you!

Here's how it works, reply with:

Your Age
First movie/show you saw with Elizabeth in it
Most Obsessive thing you have done regarding Elizabeth
Any other items to share


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Woops, forgot to add my items

The Linda McCartney Story
Watched Gia 3 times in one day
Like many other hetero women, I can't seem to understand why I am awe struck by her, and yes, why I find myself fantasizing about her


Hi there!

I'm 21 and female. I'd seen her in the Santa Clause 2 years ago, but didn't follow up on that. Recently I started watching the 3rd season of Lost, and as soon as she walked onto the screen in the first episode I thought, wow. Just wow. I avidly watched all of that season, just glued on her scenes.

Don't know if I've done anything obsessive, other than in rather quick time after watching Lost, I bought the 7th season of ER, Frequency, Gia, the Santa Clause 2 and Man and Boy, watched a bunch of interviews on youtube and collected some (ok, a lot) of photos (mostly from Lost because I'm a Jacket fan :p) to photoshop them, but I got some Liz ones too and made some pretty pictures with them, then read a load of interviews.

Oh, I guess one thing's obsessive. I have her Santa Clause 2 credits dance on my phone because it makes me smile every time I see it, haha

She's so damn beautiful I could look at her all day and I'm not gay either. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with her, but I definately am :D

"When the price is gone, the quality will remain"


Hi caramelos! Great post, welcome aboard. I know what oyu mean about looking at her all day long - this thread was up once before, and half the women admited to doubting there sexuality over the thoughts they have about her, lol. Like me


Thank you! Well, you can add me to that list for sure!

It's rare someone has so much pure honest acting talent. She's just so totally real in everything!

"When the price is gone, the quality will remain"


Hello again 'old' friend, it's nice to have you back. Let's see, here are my answers:

Age: 34 (but some days I feel a heck of a lot younger which I guess is a good thing)

Gender: I'm a female

The first thing I saw Elizabeth in was Lost. The episode I totally fell in love with her was 'Not in Portland'. I was hooked from that point on and found myself extremely disappointed if she wasn't on. It wasn't long after that that I began watching all of her other stuff. In fact, I just made copies of The Linda McCartney Story on dvd for a few EM fans (one from Taiwan and one from Mexico!) Oh and let's not forget when I waited overnight for the CSI episode to finish downloading from a Japanese youtube type thing.

Most Obsessive thing: Let's see...hmmm.....I got way too caught up in a an eBay auction for a signed photo of her (luckily I have an understanding husband) Yes, I won, and now it's on the wall in my office (along with an autographed photo of Hugh Laurie from House). Oh, and I just got back from Seattle (she has a house in Washington state right out side of Seattle) and I brought my camera absolutely everywhere in case I saw her. Like I really had a chance anyway. I've stayed up way late far, far too many times watching various clips of all of her work on youtube, iTunes,, etc.

Nothing else to share really. I wonder how she'd feel if she read all we have to say about her. It must be cool to have such avid fans.


Age: 23

Gender: Male

The first thing I ever saw her in was Gia and something about her really caught my eye. Ever since I have always kept an eye out for her work and now that she is a regular on Lost I see her all the time. Its great to see her finally be on a popular mainstream show.

I have never really chased down interviews or fan sites about her, but from time to time I check out imdb. The only reason I responded to this thread was cause I think its super hot that the 3 people to post before me were all female. Now when I picture EM she will have a chick on both arms which makes it taht much better. Thanks girls.


Well, you get points for honesty. Glad we painted such a mental picture for you.

Carmelos, I have added you to the "list", feel free to PM me with details of your issues, hee-hee
