I have to ask

WHY doesn't Elizabeth Mitchell move her face. Is she unable to? I'm annoyed. If you can, please move your face more Elizabeth.

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Tonight? We make soap.


Maybe because, her characters are actually quite serious and reserved? It's just her staying in-character.


Too much botox I'm guessing? But, why move your face when your words don't move either? She's like an automaton.


Dude, we get it. You're not a fan of Elizabeth Mitchell. You're certainly entitled to your opinion. But, I'm concerned about your apparent need to make negative comments about her over and over. You're behavior is bordering on obsession. Maybe it's time to get some help (or get a life, anyway).


WHY doesn't Elizabeth Mitchell move her face. Is she unable to?Apparently, yes. Not sure if due to her simply being a crap actress or from too much botox. Either way, she blows.

🐺 Boycott movies that involve real animal violence (& their directors) 🐾
