
I have TMN and I was flipping around and saw Jason Mewes pop up, but the info said it was an Adult Movie so I thought they had the wrong info up, so I came on here to check if there was a film called Bitten on his credits and there isn't. Then I checked the TMN movie entertainment book that lists all the films and there is was (it wasn't listed in the book as an adult film in case you were wondering),

Bitten (2007) 1h28mins, Canada, starring Jason Mewes and Erica Cox.
Jack worries that he will never meet the girl of his dreams, until a chance with a beautiful woman in distress brings him in close proximity to the creature of his nightmares forcing him to make an agonizing decision.

Strangely enough the book it doesn't list a director and when I look up Bitten on here nothing comes up. I know some films have different titles in different countries but looking at Mewes list I can't see the name Jack (which was his characters name) listed in any film.

Does anyone know what the hell is going on here? It's as if it doesn't exist or something.


no im watchinin it right now and came to find info on it. sure enough there was nothing but your post

Walter Sobchak: Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element!


i could not even find a mention of it at but look forward to watching it tonight on TMN on demand.


Yeah I had the same issue when I saw it last week.
It said an Adult Movie and I was like lol Jason Mewes, as much as he'd LOVE to be in one I'm sure, wouldn't be in an adult movie so I came on here to look it up and It was nowhere to be found.

lol I think we're insane and ACTUALLY the movie doesn't exist.

BUT for a movie that doesn't exist that has no credits and a fan base that is made up of like 10 people it's actually not a bad movie :) I liked it anyway.


i watched it last week, and it is him in it but the thing is i cant find it anywhere gonna mention though that he is DAMN HOT IN THE MOVIE,
it isnt an adult film, its meant to be a horror.


i saw bitten just this morning. ANd holy crapp is that film ever hilarious and awesome TOO. this guys looks totally different , his cut his stupid hair lol.
But awesome movie i wanted to look up the review for it after i saw it on my rogers on demand box. A+ movie totally original. It even had its sad tragic close to tears moment. It makes me think of relationships these days , everything just so messed up these days. The good guys can never find they are looking for, and they put everything and then it just doesnt work out, thats what movie made me feel. Plus laughs and a hot chick what else does a movie need? True guy movie , A+++ this guys an awesome character.


I'm watching it on Sky One just now and god damn its awesome!

Pleasantly surprised!!!! Plus top quality Jason Mewes comedy

it really is like it doesnt exist, what the hell is going on? - Rabba Film Company


Hah same here bairdy box,and just popped in to find that there's no mention of JM whatsoever related to this film on here,which seems a bit weird,so I'll have a butchers at your link in a sec.

Good to see Jason playing his old self yet again,maybe he's the new Jack Nicholson eh >:o)


ha yeah, I can't believe I'm saying this but in my opinion, Bitten quality wise is up there with the likes of Near Dark and Fright Night!

do you mean my film page??...if so check it out! its only student stuff but I'll hopefully get better at it through practice - Rabba Film Company
