Thanks for the reply--I agree with you about FORGET ME NOT, which I had just watched last night, and which was the impetus that brought me to his page and this message board.
It only occurs to me now that the tragic element revealed at the end relates to a situation in my family, with one of my sisters. She went through quite a few years of awful crap, one part of which was finding out about long-term affairs of her husband, and other devastating aspects about his personality and life, and had to rebuild a life as a single mother. (She almost had to pay him alimony, after being the main breadwinner for most of their marriage, and doing the lion's share of childcare and household work.) Eventually, she finally found a really good man; the two of them devoted themselves to each other, bought a house together, etc., and have had a good few years. He began acting a little strangely, then increasingly forgetting things, not being able to find words, and his behavior gradually was changing. Sure enough, it turns out he has some condition that causes the irreversible deterioration of his mind and mentality. It breaks my heart for both of them, and for all our families and their friends.
Multiplex: 100+ shows a day, NONE worth watching. John Sayles' latest: NO distribution. SAD.