MovieChat Forums > Lindsey McKeon Discussion > Is she the girl in the new beer commerci...

Is she the girl in the new beer commercial....?

Does anybody know if Lindsey McKeon plays the bartender in the new beer commercial I've been seeing? I think the product is Bud Light.


Yep, that's her. She is the bartender in the Miller Lite beer commercial called "Carry All". Great commercial!


Thanks for the confirmation. I love that commercial. Oddly though, I haven't seen it on TV since I posted the question.

I love the look she gives the guy and the way she delivers her, "Yeah, no, that's a purse" line after he corrects her that it's a European Carry All, or whatever the heck he calls it.


I've been seeing the commercial all the time now. I finally looked her up, I've always wanted to know what else she's been in since it's always sunny.
