MovieChat Forums > Rose McIver Discussion > Does anyone no her at all?

Does anyone no her at all?

I was just wondering if she has any friends on this thing or if someone knows her e-mail address or SN thanks bye.

¸,.·´¨`·. :¨`·´¨: .·´¨`·.,¸
¨··-..-··ox `·.·´xo··-..-··¨
Always late but worth the wait


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ya u make a good point but I already no all of her fan mail address's and i no one of the ppl who have worked with her so i dont care if anyone tells me or not cause i can just ask that person

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Angel Princess, Can you please send me anyway to contact her online? email me @ [email protected]


i no her i grew up just up the road from her.


I do too! She was in my class in intermediate school, but we've lost contact now and I have no idea what her email address is or anything. But she's really such a lovely girl...I was suprised when I saw her on Eddie's Million Dollar Cookoff last year but I was really happy for her as well. :D


I know Rose too! She went to my school(Avondale College). She was in the school show last year called bye bye birdie and i was in the show band so we kind of know each other. She's really good at singing!


i know her, i was in the show she was in at our school this year, yeah i wouldn't think that she would want a lot of messages from random people, shes very talented mate


hae how come you all know her a;nd i dont???
tah not fair~~
anyone got her contacts??/
