MovieChat Forums > Melissa McCarthy Discussion > Needs to Stop Working With Her Husband

Needs to Stop Working With Her Husband

I know they probably really enjoy working together, but it's no coincidence that arguably her two worst films were written and directed by her husband. Other directors, like Paul Feig, seem to get much better performances out of her than her husband does.


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Actually, she needs to do us all a favor and just stop working at all.


I wish the site administrator would delete the posts by the mental patients. This is partly why IMDb closed down because of adult children being disrespectful and trashy. I say partly because we all know it really came down to money.


He's killing her career. He's probably one of the worst directors working


hahahaha totally agree.

She's slowly murdering Hollywood, one crappy movie after another.

She's the reason movie piracy was invented... to prevent people wasting money watching this hidesously unfunny blob with legs crack fat gags every 2 seconds.


Not to mention his wife is not that funny or talented.


She's slowly murdering Hollywood, one crappy movie after another.

That is the perfect slogan for brand McCarthy.

She's the reason movie piracy was invented... to prevent people wasting money watching this hideously unfunny blob with legs crack fat gags every 2 seconds.

I'm in total agreement. Her fat, aggressive, clumsy malcontent who learns she has a heart of gold shtick was never funny. Now it's just tiresome. Why people are in love with her skunk juice saturated 'talent' is one of the the great modern mysteries....

'And you can't p*ss on hospitality, I WON'T ALLOW IT!'
