Vanessa Marshall: Vanessa Marshall. Actress: Star Wars: The Bad Batch. A graduate of Princeton University with a Masters in acting from NYU, Vanessa Marshall plays Hera in "Star Wars: Rebels," Wonder Woman in DC's "Harley Quinn," Gamora in "Guardians of the Galaxy," and Black Canary in "Young Justice: Phantoms." In the world of video games, she is Sheeva in "Mortal Kombat 11," Olga in "Metal Gear Solid 2," and Jan Ors in...
Known For: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Hera Syndulla(voice)), Star Trek: Lower Decks (Lieutenant Ottessa WarrenU.S.S. Merced Science OfficerD'BoraShona Tendi(voice)), Harley Quinn (Wonder WomanGigantaClerkJoeyKayaReporterTeacherTellerWedding Planner(voice)), Guardians of the Galaxy (GamoraAutomated VoiceLab Chief X7MeredithMeredith QuillAdditional AnimalsAutomated Ship VoiceBeliever #1ComputerCrystalDr. MoraElderly WomanFemale AlienFemale VoiceFish Faced RavagerKlyntar GamoraKree Crewman #1Lab Chief X8Lemur-Like BartenderNova Corpsman #3Ravenger AlienTeacherUltroid CommanderWeasel AlienX-8Zombies(voice))