Happy Birthday Gabe!
I can't believe he's 39 today! Happy Birthday Gabriel. Hope you have fun on you're birthday today. I can't wait until SWAT comes out I'm definitely buying it when it comes out on DVD. It looks awesome, plus Gabriel looks gorgeous has always! I have loved Gabe since day one and I will be a fan of his until the day I die. He's an awesome actor plus he's drop dead gorgeous which doesn't hurt. Jacinda is very lucky to have such a gorgeous & talented husband, and there little girl is adorable. March is going to be an awesome month for me because i get to buy SWAT and aslo get to buy Burlesque on the same day which is awesome. I already know I'm going to love SWAT I mean come on it's Gabriel I love all his movies the only movie I can honestly say out of his entire career that I truly didn't care for but I bought anyways because I wanna support Gabriel's career plus I love him is The Spirit. I'm not saying it was a terrible movie cause believe me Ive seen a lot worse movies then The Spirit but I didn't care for it I thought the acting in it was honestly cheesy. But Gabriel did look really good in it though it actually sucks that The Spirit was such a cheesy film because I love Samuel L Jackson and Scarlett Johnason has actors has well, and it sucks they too got put in a crappy film because their amazing actors has well. But Gabriel has made up for it since The Spirit with Whiteout and Love And Other Drugs and now SWAT which I can't wait to see, kinda sucks that it's going straight to DVD and not to theaters because I definitely would've paid to go see cause Gabriel is definitely worth the time and money in my book. SWAT looks awesome and deserves to be going to theaters but hey I'll take what I can get! again Happy Birthday Gabriel.