only hot as darcy

I have seen him in other stuff, but I only find him attractive as mr darcy.


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I find him attractive in ALL stuff


I'm with Maui3.:) PLFU6td1imLgAN8-wi7eS3upVk-Xawkx7Z

Doctor Who: Human beings. You always manage to find the boring alternative, don't you?


I'm in love with his eyes and is such an amazing actor.


Holy crap! Thanks for posting that. That made my day.


You're welcome. He is very handsome but what i admire the most is that he's a really good actor and you can see he loves his job. That's wonderful, a person who enjoys his work.


Well, thank you so very much... I'm in love with him all over again, and I finally stopped tkinking about him at least once a week ever since I saw Pride&Prejudice a couple of years ago. It's too high a concentrate of Mr. Macfayden that my week heart cannot seem to take. Can't believe I'm smitten again...

Btw, the song in that clip is amazing

Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.


Thanks for posting this :)

I remember being totally obsessed with Matthew around the time Pride & Prejudice came out. I've really enjoyed catching him in movies here and there, but it's never ignited Darcy-level infatuation.

What I did find memorable was stumbling upon this interview with him and Domhnall Gleeson - they both seem really laid back, yet earnest about their work. It was nice listening to them in conversation. e&guid=&hl=en
