...just married

Se casan en jeans Diego y Camila
Ciudad de México (13 de febrero de 2008).- Diego Luna contrajo matrimonio civil con la actriz Camila Sodi el 5 de febrero, en una ceremonia privada que tuvo lugar en la casa de la novia y a la que sólo acudieron la madre de la actriz, Ernestina Sodi, y el padre del actor, Alejandro Luna, según fuentes del juzgado 17 de la Ciudad de México.

She's probably pregnant.


She's probably pregnant.

yes she is


"She's probably pregnant."

That's not cynical or anything! Besides, even if she is knocked up, that doesn't mean that he doesn't love her and didn't want to marry her, anyway.


Not everybody gets married just because the girl is pregnant either!



Eventhough it's true that Sodi's pregnant, it doesn't mean that he married her just because of that. I know plenty of guys that got a girl pregnant and decided they didn't want to marry the girl. These days, it seems, men marry less for honor than they do for love.
