MovieChat Forums > Blake Lively Discussion > My theory on what happened

My theory on what happened

Blake Lively's career is very stagnant I mean this Baldoni movie is basically a B-Movie. So she got together with her publicists manager, maybe even her husband to throw this BS sexual harassement accusation at Baldoni inorder to promote herself and make herself relevant in hollywood again.

Now I was againt Baldoni in the beginning and supported her because the guy has the most punchable face with gay lips. But after the evidence started coming out and the clip of their dancing scene we can clearly see she is lying.

I hope Baldoni wins his lawsuit and Blake goes back to being a stayhome mom.


She caught some vagina flutters and felt bad about it.

Case closed.


The last movie I saw Blake Lively in was The TOWN & The SHALLOWS


I've always believed Lively and Baldoni had some sort of fling, possibly just heavy flirting, maybe they had sex. Ryan Reynolds found out and Lively pretended that Baldoni was the aggressor and accused him of sexual harassment as a way to cover her ass.

Ryan's like "you fucked him?" and she's like "uh, no...uh, he tried to!" and Ryan's like "well then file a complaint! Because you totally didn't want him to fuck you, right?" So Lively pretends to be assaulted and probably lets Baldoni continue hitting on her to make him look worse.

Reynolds then shows up on set every single day to monitor Baldoni's activity and even steps in to rewrite a scene (the balcony scene) because he presumably disagreed with some of what Blake Lively would have to do with Baldoni.


good theory
