MovieChat Forums > Andrew Lincoln Discussion > Not very good in TWD.

Not very good in TWD.

Currently at the beginning of S2 and just not very impressed by him so far. I don't know if he concentrates too much on getting the accent right that affects the emotion with which he delivers his lines, but there's just about the way he talks. His delivery often seems at odds with the rest of his body too -> facial expressions/body language. It's like you're watching someone act as opposed to just being. And just in general I feel like he lacks the charisma/presence/intensity the lead of a show like this needs to have. I find him too 'light'.


Keep with it.

The writing can be questionable at times but Andrew Lincoln is amazing.


Andrew Lincoln is excellent...he IS Rick Grimes.


Yeah, I wasn't fond of him in those first seasons. However he was stellar in season 5. Not only does Rick become a much better character but Andrew has truly embodied him. As the person above mentioned, he Is Rick Grimes.


It gets better and better.


Agree, and not willing to give something 5 seasons - that's at least 9 movies a season - for the main character to get 'good'. It's just not worth it. He's miscast, plain as day. Shoulda been Lucas Black, Josh Lucas, Matthew McConaughey - anyone who can enunciate and stare without seeming like one or the other is the most they can do


the character is on a journey and if you knew what kind of work Andrew has done before you'd realise what stellar work he has been doing. There si nothing off about his delivery. He is excellent and works hard to put out his best performances. I'm stunned by how he's pulled off this character. If you told me before this show that he would be doing a zombie show I'd ask 'is it a comedy?' cause no way he can do tough guy. Seriously watch him in Teachers or Love Actually. He's done an amazing job.


Exactly. He is a fantastic actor, I hope he gets more roles after TWD. Right now he is probably the only reason why I still watch that show.


Rick is one of the best characters on the show. I liked him from the start. Hopefully you keep watching and see how good he is.
