MovieChat Forums > Rush Limbaugh Discussion > Lung cancer is a blessing

Lung cancer is a blessing

According to Limbaugh, "Well, you all just continue to stop me dead in my tracks. I continue to get emails and flowers and cards. I mean, it’s voluminous. And it is so touching," the host said. "I mean, people recounting experiences they had 30 years ago, 25 years ago, and this is why I said last Friday, last week, how lucky I am, and people have trouble understanding that. But believe me, everything that’s happened to me is a blessing. And I hear things like that, and I don’t know what to do with it."

Agree or disagree that Limbaugh's lung cancer is a blessing?


Lung cancer is never a blessing. Rush may have brought it on himself with his years of cigar smoking, but I hope his health turns around.


I agree it is never a blessing but nevertheless Limbaugh said it is a blessing for him. He must really hate his life.


He got his blessing


I'd rather die gloriously on the battle field, killed by an enemy that I was passionately trying to kill, but unfortunately, most of us slowly waste away due to some progressive disease, be it cancer, alzheimers, heart disease, or something else. Whether it is a "blessing" depends on if you really wanted the mother fucker dead or not. Plenty of people I wish death on, but Rush isn't one of them.


Limbaugh said it was a blessing, for once he was right.


Bless you


If you are a smoker, good chance that same "blessing" will befall you as well


It was a blessing. It just sucks that poor cancer had to suffer living inside Rush for so many years. Eww.


The side of joy love and tolerance, everyone


He used to refer to his "nicotine stained fingers." That habit generally leads to one conclusion if it's not stopped early in life.


I think he's talking about his life overall being a blessing, not the cancer.
