MovieChat Forums > Judith Light Discussion > She looked younger and

She looked younger and

Better on Whos The Boss episodes of the last 2 seasons..obviously some cosmetic adjusts were done...which is justifiable in the business that she is in..

when your life is under a microscope in many ways when are an actor/ have to look your best or else it means the end of your career..
I admire Cher and Joan Rivers at least they can comfortably admit going under the knife


she hasnt had surgery, has she??
i havent heard anything about it??



I haven't heard anything either. I think it was the change in makeup and hair towards the end of WTB? that changed her appearance. The show also ran for quite a long time and styles changed a lot from the early 80's to early 90's. Judith doesn't seem like the type to have plastic surgery. I think she would just age gracefully.


Judith Light has never had any surgery.

You're the Boss and I'm the Nanny. You Give me a raise and I'll give you one.


But did she lose a LOT of weight between the soap and prime time? I remember catching her
for a long run on daytime, and a buddy and I were quite surprised to see a much leaner-looking


yeah, she definitely lost wait. she said that she lost 50 pounds.
iyeah, i think it was the change of style as well and her hair colour went more yellow blonde than platinum blonde. her make up wasn't as dark too.



Tx! Makes sense.
