She's great

i love One Tree Hill and all the work she's done, but sometimes i really wish she would have taken her career in a different direction. i think she could've been quite the commendable actress.

not that she isn't, like i said i love one tree hill and all the work she's done...but i'm just sayin'..


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I agree with you. I really wish she hadn't signed on for season 7 of one tree hill. I was hoping she would focus more on her music or take on different roles. I still think Joy would be fantastic on broadway!

She is still young enough and certainly talented enough to have a great career after one tree hill ends. I really can't wait to see what she does in the future. She has been great in everything i have seen her do.


Sometimes I want to blame it all on OTH for the fact that she isn't more active within the business, but after the anger settles I realize that Joy just doesn't give enough effort to getting her name out there.

I wish Joy would try to land roles, and go to events once in a while, and do photoshoots but...all we get is OTH. And while that isn't the worst, because she could be doing nothing at all but I just wish there was more...


^It's true. Once the OTH gig is over, I think her acting days are up. She's been in the business for a long time, so it's understandable.

But as a's hard to see her walk away from it all when she's SO talented and Hollywood seems to be losing it's validity.
