Sex Appeal

I find this man to be very good looking as a whole.

He's in great shape and has an attractive body as well as facial features.

While I've never met him in person, he doesn't strike me as obnoxious in general, though I may be wrong (that would be a shame).

It surprised me to find that he's in his mid 40s, because in contrast to this, the guy looks as if he's in his mid 30s at most.

Furthermore, while I'm no expert with respect to acting talent, I thought he has played his roles well - at least, based on the few films that I've seen which featured him.

Oddly enough, I've never really found Asian men to be sexually attractive, until I saw him that is. Mr. Lee stands out in a crowd.

In contrast, I had and continue to have a lot of respect and admiration for several male and female actors of Asian descent.

Bottom line - I hope Byung-hun Lee's popularity as a Hollywood star increases, because I look forward to seeing him in other roles, and in various genres of film and/or television.

I'm rooting for you Mr. Lee, and I hope to see you starring in leading roles - the sooner, the better, cheers :-)


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In my head, tomorrow, you, romantic, successful...

Guess what the word "successful"means...


"In contrast, I had and continue to have a lot of respect and admiration for several male and female actors of Asian descent. "

Looks like you never had any respect for any POC, or ethnic minority.

What a white supremacist. If you didn't know already Japan, South korea are already well developed advanced countries. China has a lot of hot masculine actors.

You may think your western world is cool, but our Celebs are way hotter and have more sex appeal. Its just that hollywood loves to brainwash low IQ caucasians.


"Looks like you never had any respect for any POC, or ethnic minority."

If that is your conclusive conclusion, then I must inform you, that it appears you're legally blind.

"What a white supremacist. If you didn't know already Japan, South korea are already well developed advanced countries. China has a lot of hot masculine actors."

Let me be clear: I happen to find Byung-hun Lee sexually attractive - so much so in fact that I decided to comment about it in a public domain.

Then you come along and somehow arrive at the conclusion that I must be a white supremacist.

And so, here's my rebuttal: Are you even remotely capable of comprehending the fundamentally contradicted, incredibly idiotic assumption you've managed to pull out of your seemingly puckered *beep* I'm not holding my breath, nor will I wait to find out, but there you have it.

"You may think your western world is cool, but our Celebs are way hotter and have more sex appeal. Its just that hollywood loves to brainwash low IQ caucasians."

Newsflash dear Sir Ignoramous:

- Not once have I ever thought to myself: "Whoa - my western world is cool!" And the fact that you'd envision me doing so suggests a level of cluelessness rivaling that of a hooker in church.
- Furthermore, I truly couldn't care less if "your Celebs" are hotter than a couple of first-class tickets to Sol.
- Oh yeah: I'm not of Caucasian descent oh enlightened one.
- All in all, you are making a lot of foolish assumptions without any objective evidence whatsoever to back you up, and that's not exactly a sign of noteworthy intelligence. How does that make you feel? Forget I asked.

The point is as follows: Your bemusing rendition of a discombobulated disposition denotes a sad disgrace to the Y chromosome that is combined with a shining example of the kind of arrogance and ignorance that is sadly consistent with a non-highbrow, fickle, prejudiced, counter-productive excuse of a human life, slowly but surely wasting away. And you have my pity.

In the future however, rather than expend my timely investments once again in such a stagnant manner, I'm afraid I'll be away indefinitely. But don't fret, because you'll have "jack" and *beep* to keep you company until you smarten the hell up; my condolences.


It strikes me as rude that you're so surprised about finding a poc attractive.


 It makes me laugh when people make in-joke references to his 'Lee Santa' reputation! He's honestly a creep, though.

George Lucas talking about: 'Hey, give it to me, I'll fix it. I'll make 20 more of them'


It strikes me as rude that you would lump everyone that isn't white into a *beep* term like poc. It isn't unifying, it's disparaging.
