They love the blues, so that's what they did. Of course, Zeppelin crunched it up and spat it out as hard rock music, so it's not like they were singin' the blues in the traditional sense.
Overall, though, if you don't like Cream, the Rolling Stones, the White Stripes, or other blues (or blues-rock) bands because of their skin colour, that's your loss, man. Blue & Lonesome *alone* justifies "white guy blues bands". I think a lot of black blues players agree with that, too, and they dig on these bands as well. The Rolling Stones in particular have a track record of getting the spotlight onto their heroes - like they did with Howlin' Wolf on Shindig for just one example. Led Zeppelin stole a lot of tunes and that was bad on them, but The Rolling Stones were never like that. They always did credit where it was due. Most of these White Guy Blues Bands did it that way - the right way. And most of them are pretty fine.