I'm French and I just can tell you that here there is a bunch of actresses like her, so generally we don't "think" much about her. But, if you want my opinion (even if certainly not representative): I personally did not like her in Inglorious Basterd, I think she was very bad and "ham-acting" , not ready and mature enough to play the role of a great avenger. BUT I liked her in a more intimist register, "Je vais bien, ne t'en fais pas" ("Don't worry, I'm fine"): she was very convincing and made me cry.
As a person I think French people indeed find her a bit snobbish, maybe because of her look and her way of speaking (a bit "upper class") ; Marion Cotillard looks more accessible. As Zhow told you, she sings, too : her album did not sell a lot, I guess it says she's not so popular (and indeed it certainly was more the caprice of a starlet than anything else). I don't know how she is as a person, maybe she get a bit "big headed" at one point, but it could be understandable. (regarding the "over-exposure")
I do think there is also a lot of jealousy and bad mouthing going. Personally I just try to make my opinion and "think" of actresses when I see them acting, that's all. I guess interviews are not the best way to know the real value of a person..(actors certainly are still playing during them)
Pardon my english, who is not so good neither.^^