MovieChat Forums > Brooke Langton Discussion > Brooke Langston NOT in Cheerleader scene...

Brooke Langston NOT in Cheerleader scenes: Replacements

Has anyone noticed that she is NOT actually in any of the action sequences where the cheerleaders are performing. But when they're standing around she's right there.


I'm watching this right now and in the scene during the 2nd game, right before the strippers "take over", she does actually perform, but she stops and watches like everyone else lol.

The grave is no bar to my call.


I thought that for years too. BUT there are at least three (maybe four) times when she CAN be seen performing with the group.

It all takes place during the final game against Dallas.

Shot 1: Right after the old owner guy says "They're quittin' on ya!" Look on the right side of the screen.

Shot 2: After Martell scuffles with the deaf receiver. Look at the center of the screen, she's getting hoisted up by male cheerleader in the back row (yeah, this one doesn't really count).

Shot 3: Right after 86 (the deaf receiver) makes the "first down" signal, and before they give the ball to 42 and they say "He's going to jail!" Look just right of center.

Shot 4: After Madden says "With 28 seconds remaining, they need a decent return..." and number 42 runs it back pretty far. Look in the second row, center. It's my favorite shot, because you see her actually rotate her head in the opposite direction from all of the other cheerleaders! Maybe that's why she barely appears in those group shots!

There may be more, but that's the only ones I know of.
