MovieChat Forums > Shia LaBeouf Discussion > Does he have bipolar?

Does he have bipolar?

It would explain his abusive behaviour and drug and alcohol problems. Googling "Shia LaBeouf bipolar" returns lots of hits. Racist rant just like Mel Gibson.

FKA Twigs claims he bragged about 'shooting and killing stray dogs'. You would think random dog shootings would make the news. She spoke about mental illness on BBC Radio last year, so maybe she makes up shit.


Your mother says he likes to make things up to give people excuses for him.


She's dead, asshole!


I doubt it, he probably only has the one dick.


😬 People say a lot of ignorant things like that about bipolar disorder. They use the word wrong for stupid stuff. I don't know his diagnosis, but you can be an alcoholic and abuser without being bipolar.


Yeah, I think it’s more likely he suffers from Douchophrenia.


Who cares? Go to a psychiatrist instead of just going to places and acting like a crazed fuck.
