MovieChat Forums > Jaime King Discussion > Jaime is VERY HOT!

Jaime is VERY HOT!

She is way hot. Totally. She is very beautiful.
Lets make this page her beauty page.
Whoever agrees post below saying how hot you feel she is.

~ Devon Aoki fan~
She is so pretty. She is Unique. She is astounding. She is a goddess!


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Fo Sho

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Im not into blondes but she is pretty.


she looks much better with dark hair

Last movie: My Bloody Valentine (2D)
Last book: Let the Right One In


i actually disagree about the dark hair looking better on her... im not totally into blondes either although I am a dirty blonde myself. I think unlike other celebs with blonde dye-jobs, it suits her very well..
She's got this angelic quality that really sticks with you after seeing her image on tv or what have you...
