who cares about your bad history with modeling, this is just your working, professional name. exactly I hate this too. like larry fishburne going to Laurence fishburne after he was in boyz in the hood and deep cover, what the hell??? you are larry fishburne man!
I can understand if they are rappers who want to seem like serious legitimate actors so they change their name but the rock changing his name as an actor, really? like we are ever going to take him seriously as an actor. all he does is play the same kinds of characters over and over again and all his characters don't require great or really good acting ability, they are almost all in forgettable, stupid comedies or action movies.
the thing that really annoys me nowadays is how rappers want it both ways. they want to be taken seriously as actors but keep their rapper street cred. what I mean is they, as actors go by their real name and their rapper name together. like chris Ludacris something, and Curtis 50 cent Jackson, and Dwayne the rock Johnson, but he was a wrestler, but it's the same thing, or the rapper Xibit. going by a name, xibit, and a last name. I know they still keep their rapper name for movies to bring people to see their movies but come on. you can't have it both ways.