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Ashkenazi Jews - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. under fire by Jews!

“Covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese,” Kennedy said, adding that “we don’t know whether it’s deliberately targeted that or not.”


The technology is there, DNA based bioweapons are real. If this is correct as Kennedy is proclaiming, it’s a big deal. If covid was designed to spare Ashkenazis and kill everyone else that would be a great reset for the globe. They are an asset. Ashkenazis are deemed the purest form of Jew there is. If the world would be to start over they, the Ashkenazis, would be the ruling race with all whites and blacks dead.
Population reduction is already on the way with killer vaccines, processed foods , falling fertility levels, poverty, wars, full spectrum surveillance, all the time, 24/7, more bioweapons and covid 2.0, covid 3.0 etc.


Ashkenazis are deemed the purest form of Jew there is.

How are Ashkenazis the "purest form of Jew"? Over a thousand years they've intermixed and married with Germanic peoples and Eastern European Slavs. Their language, Yiddish, is a Germanic language, not Semitic.

If you want "pure" Jews go to the Middle East, the Mizrahi.


Ashkenazi Jews rise to the top like cream !


I always found it ironic that "nazi" is part of the word "Ashkenazi".


Did you read his tweet in response to the article?

Another smear tactic.

I'd say their next attempt will be to say that he's a kid fucker but their side seems to have a lock on that, so maybe not so much.


The Most Shocking Aspect of RFK Jr.’s Anti-Semitism
What’s surprising isn’t that Kennedy voiced an anti-Jewish conspiracy, but that it took this long.


Here is the direct quote:
"COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately," Kennedy said at a recent dinner in New York City. The remarks were videotaped and first published by the New York Post on Saturday.

"COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese," he continued, adding, "We don't know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact."

You can debate whether or not he meant that it was deliberate or not - it's not an unheard of tactic to say something (it is targeted) and then try to cover yourself (nobody knows if it was deliberate or not), but that is admitting you believe it may have been deliberately targeted and that is the dog whistle that the crazies run with.

In response to pushback, Kennedy tweeted out links to paper to support his comment - but those papers do no such thing. They speculate that there could possibly be mutations that would preferentially affect some people more than others but there is no data to show that there were ethnic differences.

It is pretty much known that Black Americans were affected more severely because they generally have less access to health care and are prone to co-morbidities also because of that. China says they lost 1 million people - but who knows how many really. Still, a much lower percentage than the US but that's because they locked down with an iron fist. The Ashkenazi Jew thing, I'm not sure what evidence is that they were more immune. I recall that the first severe outbreaks in NY were in Jewish communities.

At any rate, this is another example of how RFK Jr ascribes to junk science and rejects real science and should not be trusted in any public leadership position.



If your God tells you to smoke people, maybe it's time to find a new God.
