MovieChat Forums > Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discussion > I'm loving this guy the more I hear from...

I'm loving this guy the more I hear from him ... ( CHANGED MY MIND )

But I'm not sure I agree with some of his conclusions on the C19 vaccine - but what is great about him is that he will listen to the facts. He has nailed so many problems with our government that he will bring about huge change if he can even get one or two done, and if he gets a second term it may just unite the country.
I've been listening to and reading up on RFKjr since I found out about him and he seemed to be such a great candidate.

I've read much of his stuff and heard him talking about Covid and the vaccines, the lockdown ... and pretty much everything he says is nonsense.

If that was the only issue ... I probably would overlook it, but the way I see it RFKjr. knows he is lying and continues to repeat the same nonsense.

A quick example of the falsehoods he promotes is in this video:

Just full of blatant untruths, and he has an army of online trolls who back it up like they don't even care. It really makes me wonder how many real people there are behind these wacko voices. This kind of stuff should be illegal, and it is no wonder social media sites and censoring come accounts.

A tough question by I think YouTube was right to censor certain videos of RFKjr.


I agree. And I'm liking him as well.

Though I don't agree with his views on the covid vaccine, I admire a man in his position who would have questioned what we were being told.

Yeah, I will not vote for doddering old Biden. And most Democrats are not happy with him either. Kennedy may pull this off.


I vote for RFK jr in the primary ... but in any case I vote Democratic in the election.
Otherwise this country is dead.


I have never voted Republican in my life. If you make under 100k and don't own a business, you're a fool to vote Republican.

However, in the general, if they put up Biden again, I'll vote third party in protest.

Yeah, I haven't been excited about a primary Democrat in years. I'm happy RFK came out of left field and threw his hat in the ring.


>> If you make under 100k and don't own a business, you're a fool to vote Republican.

True, but even true for over 100k because it has led to the descent of the country.

Unless you live in a solid blue state, a protest vote is just a useless delusion.


Lesser of two evils where neither is acceptable. Biden is a disaster. His war in Ukraine could spark World War III. His and his son's business dealings there since 2013 are troubling. He's obviously developing dementia. And his VP is not competent to do the job.

Biden will be 82 in 2024 and 86 at the end of a second term. The life expectancy for American men is only 77. He could drop dead at any moment. He's a disaster who should never have been nominated. I could never in good conscience vote for Biden.


I don't think Biden is quite the disaster a Republican would be, but there is a danger he will stab the country in the back and cut social programs for a major GOP victory and takeovery.

The answer to that is not to ignore it and not vote, or pretend you are protesting and doing something else. You have two options that can exert just a microscopic bit of power Yoy can vote for Biden, or you submissively give Republicans more of a chance to win.

You can't use the actuarial argument because the stats for an upper class caucasian male in the US at age 81 say he will live well into his 90's.

It doesn't help things to lie or get emotional, just face facts.


Who's lying?

Nah, if there's ever a year when a third party vote is necessary, it will be this one if the Democrats renominate this guy.

My one vote doesn't make a difference either way to the outcome. But I must cast my vote honestly - for my own sense of personal integrity. I can't do that for that corrupt old man.

Lets just hope RFK can pull this off.


> Nah, if there's ever a year when a third party vote is necessary

Good one ... but, no, any logical calculus of political influence says there is never a case where voting third party does anything but hurt the major party that most closely agrees with your politics.

You'd have more impact sybolically voting for Biden, but contributing $5 to RFKjr's campaign.


I look at elections more like opinion polls. C'mon there are actually people who don't vote if their candidate can't win. I vote my conscience. I have a visceral dislike for Biden. I'm not a big Hillary Clinton fan, but she should have been the Democratic candidate in 2020.

I can also bear 4 more years of Trump if it means we get out of that imbroglio in Ukraine.


Polls are some organization asking for your opinion. It could even be a stealth poll by the opposition party to figure out how to trick you.

Elections are the only place where we can exert our political influence. You influence is small, 1/(# voters) in most cases, but it is tangible.

A poll is not.

> I can also bear 4 more years of Trump if it means we get out of that imbroglio in Ukraine.

I'm sorry but that is pure delusion.
You are betting Trump will actually do what he says he will do when he has lied about almost everything.
AND then you are betting we will not do anything that is worse, like Jan 6th.

You're really not making a lot of sense.


Everyone who doesn't agree with you is delusional? 🤣 Can you participate in an equal exchange of ideas without going screwball?

Nope. I vote my conscious. If I vote for the right candidate I've done my part.

I'll risk another Jan 6th rather than risk sending American troops to yet another Neo-Con war.

Trump is bad for working people. Biden's incompetence can get us in a war with Russia.

I won't vote for either. But I am proud to say I will never vote for a sleazeball like Biden.


> Everyone who doesn't agree with you is delusional?

Your thinking is not sharp and crisp. You read that into what I
because you want to keep slamming this idea of voting third
party. It is not because you disagree with me that you are
delusional, which is a strong term I probably should not have
used, but it is because you are not being led by the facts.

With that kind of logic I can tell you, or were, or were and still
are a Trump supporter. A true democrat, small-d, would never
vote Republican and would make an effort to save the
Democratic party because there is no hope for Republicans.

There may also be no hope for Democrats, but the price to
found out is only to take the time and energy to vote for
the best Democrats you can. Not much - same input energy
and voting third party, but it actually means something ...
not much but something. A symbolic over is forgetten before
it is ever even noticed.

You also have the Neo-Con thing wrong. Iraq and Afghanistan
where both Republican - and so was Ukraine. In 2008 it was
George Bush who started the ball rolling on Ukraine saying it
was going to be let into NATO.

What is what pushed Russia to eventually take back Crimea,
defensively. Our Military Industrial Complex has been lying
to use about Russia being the aggressor trying to reform the
USSR which is total BS.


Brux, that's a logical fallacy, that because I see Biden as a failure and a catastrophe, that I support Trump? Foolishness. Trump won't lead us into yet another war. If Biden is reelected in 2024 I guarantee you, we'll have troops in Iran. I still won't vote for any man I can't support. And that includes both Trump and Biden.

Crimea has always been Russian. The Soviet Union gave it to Ukraine in 1954. It's merely back where it belongs - as part of Russia.

Vietnam was a Democrat war. Clinton invaded Somalia. Biden and most Democrats supported the invasion of Iraq. Both parties are complicit in this.

And oh hell, Bush was probably the worst President in American history. But Patsy Obama continued his war in Iraq. And you ignore that the Biden family has been in Ukraine since 2013, right before the coup. You really think it's a coincidence that Biden has committed 100 billion dollars to "save" Ukraine?


> I still won't vote for any man I can't support.

Just what I said, your logic is missing. You are not voting for a man, person, you are voting for political ends, whether you know it or not.

Another thing that give your Trumpism away is to call the Democratic party the Democrat party.

I don't like the war, but the war is not the major issue.

Bush started the war, and he cut taxes when he did it. You don't seem to know how to put that in perspective, because you are a Republican.


The most important issue in 2024 is preventing a nuclear holocaust. I will never vote for your man Biden.

The rest of your post is garbage and not worth my time.


Donald Trump, corporate media & Lincoln Project folk are all deliberately creating one lucrative and distracting business of noise & outrage that captures everyone’s attention while the world’s most powerful people quietly loot the country.

You will either vote for that, or fail to vote and vote for that. You make me sick.


It's about time the US had an intelligent president.

If Trump could hijack the Republican Party as some say, maybe Kennedy can hijack the Democratic Party.

For those who disapprove of his Covid views, maybe check out his book on Fauci for some perspective.


As I understand it so far, I disagree with RFKjr about Covid-19, vaccines, masks and lockdowns. But, his reasoning is as good as anyone else's and I think he can take in facts and reason and take advice. Certainly better than Trump, and he has respect for our people, country and system, and understands it, where Trump did not.


I've been listening to and reading up on RFKjr since I found out about him and he seemed to be such a great candidate.

I've read much of his stuff and heard him talking about Covid and the vaccines, the lockdown ... and pretty much everything he says is nonsense.

If that was the only issue ... I probably would overlook it, but the way I see it RFKjr. knows he is lying and continues to repeat the same nonsense.

A quick example of the falsehoods he promotes is in this video:

Just full of blatant untruths, and he has an army of online trolls who back it up like they don't even care. It really makes me wonder how many real people there are behind these wacko voices. This kind of stuff should be illegal, and it is no wonder social media sites and censoring come accounts.

A tough question by I think YouTube was right to censor certain videos of RFKjr.


We need two crazies on the ticket in 2024! Maybe people will vote Libertarian and Green.


You're pushing a spin that he's crazy.

What's your evidence for this other than parroting what someone else has said?

Ignoring the plight of the people of East Palestine seems crazy to me but that's just me.


I agree, you cannot listen to RFKj for 5 minutes and conclude he is crazy, in fact, quite the opposite.


I changed my mind about RFKjr. ... here is why:

I've been listening to and reading up on RFKjr since I found out about him and he seemed to be such a great candidate.

I've read much of his stuff and heard him talking about Covid and the vaccines, the lockdown ... and pretty much everything he says is nonsense.

If that was the only issue ... I probably would overlook it, but the way I see it RFKjr. knows he is lying and continues to repeat the same nonsense.

A quick example of the falsehoods he promotes is in this video:

Just full of blatant untruths, and he has an army of online trolls who back it up like they don't even care. It really makes me wonder how many real people there are behind these wacko voices. This kind of stuff should be illegal, and it is no wonder social media sites and censoring come accounts.

A tough question by I think YouTube was right to censor certain videos of RFKjr.


I've been listening to and reading up on RFKjr since I found out about him and he seemed to be such a great candidate.

I've read much of his stuff and heard him talking about Covid and the vaccines, the lockdown ... and pretty much everything he says is nonsense.

If that was the only issue ... I probably would overlook it, but the way I see it RFKjr. knows he is lying and continues to repeat the same nonsense.

A quick example of the falsehoods he promotes is in this video:

Just full of blatant untruths, and he has an army of online trolls who back it up like they don't even care. It really makes me wonder how many real people there are behind these wacko voices. This kind of stuff should be illegal, and it is no wonder social media sites and censoring come accounts.

A tough question by I think YouTube was right to censor certain videos of RFKjr.


I liked his book on Fauci, but he's anti- 2A, which is a deal breaker.


He’s a good guy!


A quick example of the falsehoods he promotes is in this video:

These are not complicated things to check or analyze.
Why does RFK use these fake facts almost every day ... at least every time I've heard him?

That tells me his is very deeply dishonest.


I posted this 2 years ago:
Doesn't mention WiFi/5G shit.


If it was just that he got some stuff wrong about the vaccine, I could overlook it.
I would not like it, but the other stuff he said sounded good.
But then he can't answer simple questions, and he is so much like Trump always
trying to play both sides of any question.
His relentless personal attacks on Fauci seem over the top - whether or not Fauci
is actually responsible for bad decisions - which he doesn't prove.
This guy was an attorney general ... and he never even passed the bar?
I guess I can get caught up too in the whole Kennedy milieu.
What an ahole.


It's really hard to endure an interview with that voice, poor guy has a rare disease that makes him talk like that


It's not how he talks, it's a large part of what he says that bothers me.


That too lol


I really liked so much of what RFKjr. had to say, but he had this
habit of laying out good critiques of our US system of (mis)government
but then pushing Republican "solutions" which are not solutions, such as
denying there is a Global Warming Crisis, but saying instead it is an
environmental crisis ( which is fine if it led to the same place ) but instead
where he went with that was to say the Free Market should resolve it.
What an ass___ to think that the Free Market and Capitalism was going
to solve a problem that it knew about, understood the consequences of,
and went ahead with it anyway, to this day, denying it still.

I listened to all his lectures, interviews, and read two of his books even I
was so interested - because he was a Kennedy who claimed to agree with
JFK and RFK and MLK, blah, blah, blah.

Now I just think of him as the brother on Succession that wanted to run
for President. That said, if he did manage to get the Democratic nomination,
I'd vote for him because I vote Democratic.
