MovieChat Forums > Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discussion > He's running for President!

He's running for President!

He's got the Democrat-requisite case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, but he doesn't have his head up Tony Fauci's behind. I wonder what he thinks about starting WWIII, or spending us into oblivion? It hardly matters, since the DNC will stack the deck against him like it did Bernie Sanders. Despite the last name, he's his own man, so he won't have a chance.


I hope RFK some how Wins.
If not i would like to see a swing back to the right.


Dont agree with his conspiracy and ant-vax stance but maybe be coming as Democratic but he seems to apporaching with Populist/Liberation/Centrist gloves im all for it.


He needs Elizabeth Warren to be his running mate..


He needs Elizabeth Warren to be his running mate"

🤢 He would lose for certain then.. RFK Jr doesn't need to attach himself to Pocahontas


If anhything Warren should have him as VP ... at least then he might get some actual experience in government instead of talking about when he was 7 years old and he used to go see his uncle in the White House.


He needs a level headed running mate like Tucker.


He has no chance, unless Trump stumbles after becoming the nom, and Biden does the same. Tucker is not presidential material. Besides, he's got his head up Trump's colon. The new Rat Pack is Trump, Tucker, Kid Rock, and the flavor of the week at Fox.


Kid Rock is a hypocrite too for going off not too long ago on A&B and the whole Budlight fiasco, then is caught on a cellphone camera(Gee?? Imagine that in 2023) drinking a Budlight after he went off on people over it, so no respect for this Country Rock Star Hoosier or whatever his music is billed as??


Him and the medley of his hit. 🙄


You're all crazy.


Fauci and Gates lied and deceived billions.

RFK was not on the inside been swayed/pressured by Fauci, Gates, scientists, doctors, and RINO-advisors that lied and are still lying to the world about the vax.

RFK is only against Fauci and the vax because of the data published by others like Ed Dowd.

RFK initially claimed that he was anti-vax and then packpedaled on it, which means that he is simply playing to the favor of certain crowds or groups like RDS has done instead of taking a moderate stance about it.


There are two meanings to "anti-vax." One is "anti-clotshot." The other is anti-all vaxes. RFK, Jr. is definitely NOT the latter. I'm not for RFK, Jr., btw, since he's pretty liberal once you get past his views on Covid.

I sure am glad Trump was committed to draining the swamp! What we saw in how he handled Covid is what happens when a guy who spent most of his life as a flaming liberal decides he wants to be President and sees redefining conservatism for folks who don't know anything more about conservatism than he does as his best shot at the White House. Rush tried to tell people that Cruz was the real conservative in the race, but I'd get told by folks like you that if I wasn't for Trump, I had to be a lib or a "cuck."

For real leaders, the buck stops with them, not with their underlings whom they hired and chose to keep on. Or in Gates's case, some WEF groupie that Trump chose to listen to. Trump also gave us Thoroughly Modern Millie, didn't he? He only hires the best people. 🙄


Trump didn’t just decide to run, the military was going to oust Obama (coup), but decided to convince Trump to run and do things properly.

His job was not to redefine conservatism; it was to give both sides a fair opportunity, which makes Trump a moderate or centrist. Btw, fake conservatives are the worst.

It is not a simple task as he hoped; getting rid of the swamp; aka The Deep State.
Don’t forget that the last POTUS that publicly tried to expose them ended up paying the ultimate price. The DS set an example.

Trump provided some of those RINOs extra opportunities to redeem themselves. McCarthy was one of them.

Btw, most of the GOP should be replaced with real conservatives and real patriots, so the pickings were already slim.
He can’t do everything alone.


Read the first line, and it rather desperately needs a citation.

His job wasn't to redefine conservatism, but in 2015, his followers certainly seemed to think he did. All over Twitter/X, they seem to think he did. I see it here, too -- to the absolute glee of the Dems on both platforms.

It sure as thunder isn't easy to get rid of the Deep State when you hire the swampiest of swamp creatures, Dr. Fauci, and basically turn the country over to him. Which POTUS tried to expose the Deep State? Other than Eisenhower warning us about the military-Congressional-industrial complex, I don't know of any President who really tried to warn us about anything approaching the "Deep State."

Trump endorsed RINOs. He also signed every spending bill Nancy Pelosi sent to him.

To say that Trump was powerless but we need to reelect him so he can do all the things he promised to do the first time, meanwhile he'll make great hiring decisions like Fauci and Thoroughly Modern Millie. Time for someone who isn't old as dirt with a history of getting things done.
