MovieChat Forums > Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discussion > YouTube to Block All Anti-Vax Content an...

YouTube to Block All Anti-Vax Content and Ban Prominent Skeptics Like Robert Kennedy Jr.


I'm sure the shitlibs here will cheer on this blatant censorship as a win against "wrong think"


Found this interview he did 4 years ago. Very appropriate for today. No wonder they silenced him


Let's hear no bullshit about your constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech! The constitution just forbids the government from banning speech, however harmful, but private companies like youtube can do what they like... even what's right.

And in this case, penalizing anti-vax foolishness is what's right, because it's getting human being killed. In my area something like 90-plus percent of hospitalized COVID and ICU COVID patients are unvaccinated, because the vaccinated may get the disease... but very few are getting sick enough to need hospitalization. I wish I could find national or worldwide statistics on this, this is just what I see through my job. And what I see through my job is unvaccinated people dying and vaccinated people fine, and anyone who's devoting themselves to fighting life-saving vaccination is responsible for the deaths of anyone fool enough to believe them.




How much propaganda can one spew in a single paragraph? I think we just found out.


>very few are getting sick enough to need hospitalization

VAERS doesn't agree with you


Another brainless lemming with a horrendous take. Democrats batting a thousand when it comes to being wrong.


The debate over censorship is nowhere near easy or resolved.
Twitter is putting flags on content.
I think Facebook is outright censoring it.
I don't know about YouTube. I know I've seen RFK talk about it online, thought for obvious reasons in his presidential run he is trying to deemphasize it.
I like him, and I like his thinking, and I like that he describes himself has having no daulight between himself and his uncle ( JFK ) and father ( RFK ) philosophically.

I also like that he is willing and confident to talk to anyone. He could be someone who could fix the country, if he doesn't get assassinated in character by the mainstream media. He makes a lot of sense, and is fast as f--k on his feet.
