freaky stuff

hehe tonight i was chillin at my fiance's house looking up stuff on the internet. I came back here to check forums and ran across all the shows MK has been in and the last one i read was how he played a vet on Law & Order. Then what-do-you-know it comes on and it's that VERY episode. I was watching and realized that set aside from his rough and sexy exterior in DOTD, he has a very soft spoken voice. hehe all adds to the sexiness that is MK :P


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that really is freaky cuz after i saw dawn of the dead i was hanging around in the boards over there and someone said "his episode of L&O is on tonight" and i turned the tv on and there it was. bloody wierd! get ready cuz that was the longest tv spot he had other than the shield, which if u haven't seen - RUN DON'T WALK!


i hope he gets longer tv spots :) i enjoyed seeing him in L&O much to the jealousy of my fiance lol i freaked out when i saw MK on the episode and my faince's like, "what the hell are you freaking out about?!"


his character on the shield was creepy as hell. MK is a good actor.

all right lock that up! -Lee


I totally agree about his character in the Shield. He came off as a Ted Bundy type (well-mannered but downright evil). In other words he nailed his character portrayal down to a tee.

"He should be beaten every Saturday like a dog"


I saw that Shield episode, after having only seen him in DOTD, and was like, "This man is an ACTOR!!" Seriously. Excellent thespian.

Nice arms too (as CJ).


Is it worth it to pay a tenner for The Shield just to see the episode he's in? And yes, I realise I've gone insane, but I can't help it. My loins are just burning up to a towering inferno over here.

Instead of just waiting for their turn to speak.
- Marla


I seen him in the Sopranos, although he had a very small minor role, he does play a very timid yet prying type FBI agent.
